

1. Initial design meetings

Our first meeting with you is free with no obligations. Once engaged subsequent design meetings will endeavor to understand not just your spatial and aesthetic requirements but try to match your lifestyle and personal requirements with a detailed design brief prior to design development.

2. Design Process

Once we have established a detailed design brief with you we embark on the process of design, We use the latest 3D design software to assist us in the process and presentation of your project. The design process is interactive and very much includes your feedback. Estimates of cost and resource consent are obtained at this stage. All of our designs are presented in 3D to assist you in your understanding and visualisation of the project.

3. Construction Drawings and Documentation

With Design Development completed we will prepare Plans and documentation required for Building Consent, Calling of Tenders and Construction. We produce construction drawings of very high quality leaving little room for misinterpretation

4. Contract Administration & Construction Observation 

We can call tenders, Assist in contract establishment and administer the building contract. We meet regularly on-site to ensure your project is constructed in accordance with the plans. We also assist in administering the contract.